Introduction To AWS EC2
AWS EC2 is interpreted as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. It is nothing but web services that provides resizable capacity computer and secure compute instances in the cloud. Its main purpose is to build scalable computing instance which can be easily available to developers. With minimum friction, one can configure it and have complete control of its computing resources. Users have a choice of networking, storage, processor, purchase model, and operating system.
Use Of AWS EC2
- AWS EC2 is used to solve the problem of scalable infrastructure for computing instances. EC2 enables the user to build the applications to scale automatically as per the need. In scenarios of high traffic or peak periods, the instance can be scaled up accordingly.
- It is easy to manage and deploy over the virtual server rather than building it locally or investing in hardware installation.
- One can deploy as many instances as he needs for his application. According to need you can scale down as well to full fill the requirement and save whenever it is possible.
How To Start With AWS EC2?
As Amazon EC2 is Elastic Block Store backed instance, you can choose your availability zone or you can let EC2 do it automatically. After launching it, it is needed to secure the instance and is done by specifying a secure group and a key pair. Whenever launching the instance you would need to specify the key pair and private key.
Below are the steps:
- Launch your Instance: Open EC2 instance from Launch the instance from the dashboard. Choose an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) configuration. Select Micro or Macro instance as per your need. Review and launch the instance. Edit security groups, select an existing key pair. (you would get key pair when setting up the instance).
- Connect to your launched Instance: Once you have launched your instance then connect to it whenever you are going to use it.
- Clean up your connected Instance: It is advised to clean up and terminate the instance when its work is done.
Features Of AWS EC2
Amazon EC2 has features that make it lucrative for every developer who is looking for scalable computing instances. It provides a wide range of choices with the highest security and performance.
Some of the features are as below:
- With AWS nitro gets increased security and faster innovation: It is the underlying platform for all the AWS EC2 instances which makes it better than other traditional systems, it has the highest security and high performance.
- Choose processor of your choice: It provides the latest AMD EPYC, Intel Xeon, and AWS Graviton CPUs, a user has a choice to trade between price and performance for the workload.
- Storage with high performance: AWS – EBS (Amazon Elastic Block Store) provides high performance and easy to use block storages for EC2.user has a choice of a range of volume to optimize the cost of the workload and storage performance.
- Enhanced networking: AWS introduced 400 GBPS Ethernet Networking highest in the segment.
- Model choices for purchasing: AWS has several choices for choosing a saving plan and spot instances.
Benefits Of AWS EC2
Most importantly one gets rid of the headache of installation and, maintenance of the hardware components.
- It takes less time to boot the new servers.
- According to load, the computing needs can be scaled up or down.
- A user would have complete control over servers.
- User can select the operating system of their choice.
- Amazon EC2 comes up with a Built-in security system.
In this article, we have gone through the basics of AWS EC2 and have seen ins and outs of AWS EC2 instances. We have seen its usages, features, benefits, and how to start with EC2.
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