CSIR UGC NET - Life science
According to the latest UGC-CSIR syllabus, the CSIR NET (Life Science) mock test is divided into three parts: Part-A, Part-B, and Part-C. This test will assist you in evaluating your capabilities. When you solve practise tests over and over again, it will work as the best kind of revision. This test will provide you with a better understanding of the types of questions and hot topics that may appear on the main exam. This test will prepare beginners for the different types of questions that might appear on the exam.
- 59 Enrolled
- Created by Avinash Dass
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What you'll learn
- It will provide the student plenty of practise, resulting in an increase in their speed when answering questions. It helps students improve their performance and gain confidence. It assists them in overcoming their exam anxiety and provides them with key knowledge about questions so they can solve them quickly.
CSIR UGC NET - Life science
Updated : 16th September 2021 | Duration : 180mins
- M.Sc./BS-MS/BS-4 Years/B-Pharma or any other equivalent degree in Life Science.
Target Audience
- CSIR NET aspirants and those who are preparing for a Ph.D or for a lectureship.
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