Django Interview Questions and Answers
We know Django is a free open source, high-level web framework, it is using the template model view pattern architecture which means it encourages the developer to do development in a clean and pragmatic way. One of the main points about Django is that it is a Python-based framework. It gives a bright feature to the backend developer with knowledge of security and maintainability.
Top 15 Django Interview Questions and Answers
Below are the top question and answers to Django. These questions are helpful while giving mock tests or interviews.
Q1. Can you explain Django architecture?
We know that Django uses the Model View Template pattern which is dependent on the controller architecture. Because it adheres to its own conventions, it differs slightly from the MVC pattern in that the controller is handled by the framework itself. The template is a layer for presentations. It is a Django Template Language (DTL) and HTML file combined. Django serves the model, view, and template that the developer provides to the user after mapping it to a URL.
Q2. Why do we need Django?
It provides flexibility to the developer as well as is faster as compared to others. It is applicable to any web-based application development. It provides security, portability, and scalability to the user.
Q3. Where can we use Django either the front end or the back end?
Basically, Django is used for the backend as well as frontend; normally Django is a collection of different libraries which is used for web application development.
Q4. Is there any difference between Python and Django?
Django and Python are related but totally different languages. Python is a programming language used to create a variety of applications: desktop applications, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.
Django is a Python web framework for developing full-stack applications and servers. We can create an app from scratch with core Python or with Django using prewritten code.
Q5. What is code reusability in Django?
As compared to the other frameworks Django provides more reusability of code. Basically, Django is a combination of applications so we can easily copy the folder as per our requirement. This kind of code reusability is not permitted in any other framework, which is why Django is the rapid development framework.
Q6. What is inheritance in Django?
Basically, Django provides three types of inheritance as follows.
- Abstract Class: When we don’t want the data you want to type out for each child model to be retained by the parent class, you use this style.
- Multi Inheritance: This style is used when each model needs its own database table and you want to use a subclass on an existing model.
- Proxy Model: This style lets you change the behavior of the models at the Python level without changing the Model’s field.
Q7. What is the Django Model?
Data is structured and manipulated by models, which serve as an abstraction layer. The “django.db.models” subclass includes Django models. Database fields are represented by the model class and attributes in the models.
Q8. Is there any difference between the ChrField and TextField in Django?
A large text field for large text is TextField. TextField is how paragraphs and all other text data are stored in Django. The default structure gadget for this field is TextArea.
A string field called CharField can handle strings of any size. It is comparable to a C/C++ string field. Small strings like first and last names can be stored in CharField in Django.
Q9. What is Django URL?
We can design URL functions in any way you want with Django. In order to accomplish this, an informal Python module known as URLconf (URL configuration) must be developed. This module is entirely composed of Python code and serves as a bridge between URL path expressions and Python functions. Likewise, this planning can be just about as lengthy or short on a case-by-case basis and can likewise reference different mappings. This mapping’s length can be as long or short as necessary, and it can also refer to other mappings. Additionally, Django provides a method for translating URLs into the active language.
Q10. Can you explain Django Exceptions?
Answer: We know that exception is one of the most important parts of any development and it leads to code failure. Django provides different types of exceptions as follows.
- AppRegistryNotReady: It is used when we use the model before the loading of the application.
- ObjectDoesNotExist: If a base class does not exist.
- EmptyResultSet: When a query does not return any value.
- FieldDoesNotExist: This is used when the required field is not present.
- MultipleObjectReturned: We are expecting a single object but if our query returns more than one then this exception arises.
- SuspiciousOperation: This is related to security, which means when users try to perform any operation with respect to the suspicious.
- PermisionDenied: If the user doesn’t have permission to perform any specific operation then this exception arises.
As well as many other exceptions present.
Q11. What is a cookie in Django?
A cookie is nothing but information about the client’s browser. Normally Django has built-in methods to set the cookies such as set_cookie() and for fetching we have the get() method.
Q12. What is the REST framework in Django?
With the help of the REST framework, we are able to create a number of REStful APIs within the minimum time period, basically, Django is useful when we have an existing application and we need to create an API for that.
Q13. Explain the context of Django.
Basically, context is nothing but the directory where we store all the variables with their values and pass them to all the templates whenever we require.
Q14. Can you explain Meta Class to Django?
Meta is nothing but the data about another class which means the inner class provides the data about its outer class with details such as permission, table name, version, etc.
Q15. Can you explain serialization in Django?
By using serialization we can convert the Django models into a different formats such as XML and JSON etc.
From this article, we are able to understand the Django Interview Question. It provides the basic idea about the mid-level and higher-level concepts of Django programming. Django Interview Question is a key point for every interview or we can say that every technology.
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